返回数组中的前 K 个最大或最小的元素在现实中有着广泛的应用, 如推荐系统中返回 TopK 推荐商品, ImageNet 数据集评估中的 Top5 准确率的计算. 在不少代码框架中都有该功能的实现, 如 TensorFlow 中的 tf.math.top_k
, PyTorch 中的 torch.topk
. 笔者搜索了一圈, 发现 NumPy 中竟然没有此功能的函数. 但搜到了一些热心网友的实现, 如: 用numpy实现topk函数(并排序) 等. 这些非官方实现一般都只支持二维数组 (当然对于大部分应用已经够用了), 笔者拟进一步, 实现更通用的版本: 多维数组任意维度上的 topk 元素查找. 参考代码如下
import random
import torch
import numpy as np
def find_topk(a, k, axis=-1, largest=True, sorted=True):
if axis is None:
axis_size = a.size
axis_size = a.shape[axis]
assert 1 <= k <= axis_size
a = np.asanyarray(a)
if largest:
index_array = np.argpartition(a, axis_size-k, axis=axis)
topk_indices = np.take(index_array, -np.arange(k)-1, axis=axis)
index_array = np.argpartition(a, k-1, axis=axis)
topk_indices = np.take(index_array, np.arange(k), axis=axis)
topk_values = np.take_along_axis(a, topk_indices, axis=axis)
if sorted:
sorted_indices_in_topk = np.argsort(topk_values, axis=axis)
if largest:
sorted_indices_in_topk = np.flip(sorted_indices_in_topk, axis=axis)
sorted_topk_values = np.take_along_axis(
topk_values, sorted_indices_in_topk, axis=axis)
sorted_topk_indices = np.take_along_axis(
topk_indices, sorted_indices_in_topk, axis=axis)
return sorted_topk_values, sorted_topk_indices
return topk_values, topk_indices
def test_for_float_types():
# could change its shape
arr = np.random.rand(100, 34, 43, 54)
axis = random.choice([*range(arr.ndim), None])
if axis is not None:
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.shape[axis]))
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.size))
largest = random.choice([True, False])
sorted = True
print('axis={}, k={}, largest={}, sorted={}'.format(axis, k, largest, sorted))
top_values, top_indices = find_topk(arr, k, axis=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
# topk(): argument 'dim' must be int, not NoneType, so fix it!
if axis is None:
arr = arr.flatten()
axis = 0
arr_pt = torch.from_numpy(arr)
top_values_pt, top_indices_pt = torch.topk(arr_pt, k, dim=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
assert np.allclose(top_values, top_values_pt.numpy())
assert np.allclose(top_indices, top_indices_pt.numpy())
def test_for_signed_int_types():
# could change its shape
shape = (100, 34, 43, 54)
# for the consistency of indices, use unique numbers
arr = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=np.int32)
axis = random.choice([*range(arr.ndim), None])
if axis is not None:
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.shape[axis]))
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.size))
largest = random.choice([True, False])
sorted = True
print('axis={}, k={}, largest={}, sorted={}'.format(axis, k, largest, sorted))
top_values, top_indices = find_topk(arr, k, axis=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
# topk(): argument 'dim' must be int, not NoneType, so fix it!
if axis is None:
arr = arr.flatten()
axis = 0
arr_pt = torch.from_numpy(arr)
top_values_pt, top_indices_pt = torch.topk(arr_pt, k, dim=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
assert np.allclose(top_values, top_values_pt.numpy())
assert np.allclose(top_indices, top_indices_pt.numpy())
def test_for_unsigned_int_types():
# could change its shape
shape = (100, 34, 43, 54)
# for the consistency of indices, use unique numbers
arr = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=np.uint32)
axis = random.choice([*range(arr.ndim), None])
if axis is not None:
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.shape[axis]))
k = random.choice(range(1, arr.size))
largest = random.choice([True, False])
sorted = True
print('axis={}, k={}, largest={}, sorted={}'.format(axis, k, largest, sorted))
top_values, top_indices = find_topk(arr, k, axis=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
# topk(): argument 'dim' must be int, not NoneType, so fix it!
if axis is None:
arr = arr.flatten()
axis = 0
# torch.from_numpy does not support uint32, so fix it!
arr_pt = torch.from_numpy(arr.astype(np.float32))
top_values_pt, top_indices_pt = torch.topk(arr_pt, k, dim=axis, largest=largest, sorted=sorted)
assert np.allclose(top_values, top_values_pt.numpy())
assert np.allclose(top_indices, top_indices_pt.numpy())
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_repeats = 100
for k in range(num_repeats):
# test_for_float_types()
# test_for_unsigned_int_types()
上面将自实现的 find_topk
与 torch.topk
进行了对比测试, 以验证实现的正确性.
设指定维度上的元素数目为 $N$, 先用 np.argpartition
返回 topk 元素的索引 (np.argpartition
用的是 introselect 算法, 其时间复杂度最坏为 $O(N)$) , 再在这 $k$ 个元素上进行排序 (时间复杂度最坏一般为 $O(k\log{k})$). 而全部元素上排序的时间复杂度最坏一般为 $O(N\log{N})$, 可见在通常情况下 (即 $k$ 远小于 $N$ 时), 前者在性能上有较大的优势.
另外值得一提的是 np.take_along_axis
这个函数, np.argsort
配合 np.take_along_axis
可以实现 np.sort
的功能, np.argpartition
配合 np.take_along_axis
可以实现 np.partition
的功能. 测试代码如下:
import random
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = np.random.rand(100, 34, 43)
axis = random.choice(range(arr.ndim))
kth = random.choice(range(1, arr.shape[axis]))
sorted_arr = np.sort(arr, axis=axis)
sorted_ind = np.argsort(arr, axis=axis)
sorted_arr2 = np.take_along_axis(arr, sorted_ind, axis=axis)
print(np.allclose(sorted_arr, sorted_arr2))
partitioned_arr = np.partition(arr, kth, axis=axis)
partitioned_ind = np.argpartition(arr, kth, axis=axis)
partitioned_arr2 = np.take_along_axis(arr, partitioned_ind, axis=axis)
print(np.allclose(partitioned_arr, partitioned_arr2))
我把 NumPy 版本的 find_topk
(被重命名为 top_k
) 实现也放在我的一个开源项目中了, 在这里: khandy. 该项目的定位是: 计算机视觉的例程库, 现在还在很初级的阶段, 后面会慢慢维护改进.
另外我在 NumPy 项目中新建了一个相关的 PR (EHN: add numpy.topk ), 在 NumPy 的邮件列表中也进行了一些讨论 (EHN: Discusions about 'add numpy.topk' ).
- 20210521, 发布
- 20210615, 更新一些内容
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